NCERT Solutions & Questions CBSE Class 12 Chapter 4 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS
This article provides comprehensive NCERT Solutions for CBSE CLASS 12 POLITICAL SCIENCE CHAPTER 4 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS. Completing all NCERT questions is essential for all school and board examinations.
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1. Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements about the veto power:
a. Only the permanent members of the Security Council possess the veto power.
b. It’s a kind of negative power.
c. The Secretary-General uses this power when not satisfied with any decision.
d. One veto can stall a Security Council resolution.
Answer: a. Correct b. Correct c. Wrong d. Correct

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2. Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements about the way the UN functions:
a. All security and peace-related issues are dealt with in the Security Council.
b. Humanitarian policies are implemented by the main organs and specialised agencies spread across the globe.
c. Having consensus among the five permanent members on security issues is vital for its implementation.
d. The members of the General Assembly are automatically the members of all other principal organs and specialised agencies of the UN.
Answer: a. Correct b. Wrong c. Correct d. Wrong
3. Which among the following would give more weightage to India’s proposal for permanent membership in the Security Council?
a. Nuclear capability
b. It has been a member of the UN since its inception
c. It is located in Asia
d. India’s growing economic power and stable political system
Answer: d. India’s growing economic power and stable political system.
4. The UN agency concerned with the safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology is:
a. The UN Committee on Disarmament
b. International Atomic Energy Agency
c. UN International Safeguard Committee
d. None of the above
Answer: b. International Atomic Energy Agency.
5. WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organisations?
a. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
b. General Arrangement on Trade and Tariffs
c. World Health Organisation
d. UN Development Programme
Answer: a. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs.
6. Fill in the blanks:
a. The prime objective of the UN is ___________________________
b. The highest functionary of the UN is called __________________
c. The UN Security Council has _____ permanent and _____ non-permanent members.
d. ______________________ is the present UN Secretary-General.
Answer: a. to maintain international peace and security. b. Secretary-General. c. 5; 10. d. António Guterres.
7. Match the principal organs and agencies of the UN with their functions:
- Economic and Social Council
- International Court of Justice
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- Security Council
- UN High Commission for Refugees
- World Trade Organisation
- International Monetary Fund
- General Assembly
- World Health Organisation
- Secretariat
a. Oversees the global financial system
b. Preservation of international peace and security
c. Looks into the economic and social welfare of the member countries
d. Safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology
e. Resolves disputes between and among member countries
f. Provides shelter and medical help during emergencies
g. Debates and discusses global issues
h. Administration and coordination of UN affairs
i. Providing good health for all
j. promotes free trade among member countries
- c. Looks into the economic and social welfare of the member countries
- e. Resolves disputes between and among member countries
- d. Safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology
- b. Preservation of international peace and security
- f. Provides shelter and medical help during emergencies
- j. promotes free trade among member countries
- a. Oversees the global financial system
- g. Debates and discusses global issues
8. What are the functions of the Security Council?
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security.
- Its main functions include investigating disputes that might lead to international conflicts, recommending methods of resolution.
- It also impose economic sanctions to prevent aggression, and authorise military action when necessary.
- It recommends the admission of new member states to the General Assembly, and selection of the UN Secretary-General.
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9. As a citizen of India, how would you support India’s candidature for permanent membership of the Security Council? Justify your proposal.
Supporting India's candidature for permanent membership in the UNSC is justified due to following factors:
- India is the world's largest democracy and has been a member of the UN since its inception, which reflects its commitment to international cooperation.
- The country's growing economic power and stable political system improve its capability to contribute to global decision-making processes.
- India has been a significant contributor to UN peacekeeping missions, which demonstrate its dedication to maintain international peace.
10. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms to reconstruct the UN.
Implementing reforms to reconstruct the UN, particularly the Security Council, faces following challenges:
- The existing permanent members (P5) possess veto power, which allow any one of them to block proposed changes that dilute their influence.
- Achieving consensus among member states is difficult due to divergent political, economic, and strategic interests.
- Balancing demands for greater representation to emerging powers with concerns of smaller nations adds complexity to reform discussions.
- Additionally, the UN's established bureaucratic structures can resist change, and financial implications of reforms may prevent member states from increasing their contributions.
11. Though the UN has failed in preventing wars and related miseries, nations prefer its continuation. What makes the UN an indispensable organisation?
Despite its limitations, the UN remains incomparable due to its diverse functions:
- It provides a global forum for dialogue among nations, promoting diplomacy and conflict resolution.
- UN agencies are useful in delivering humanitarian assistance, in order to support development, and addressing global health issues.
- The organization establishes international norms and standards on human rights, environmental protection, and other critical matters.
- Through peacekeeping operations, the UN helps stabilize post-conflict regions and supports the implementation of peace agreements.
- Its framework for collective security promotes cooperation among nations in order to address threats.
12. ‘Reforming the UN means restructuring of the Security Council.’ Do you agree with this statement? Give arguments for or against this position.
Agreeing with the statement, restructuring the UNSC is central to UN reforms because:
- the current composition reflects the post-World War II power structure, not the contemporary global order.
- Including emerging powers and under represented regions would make the UNSC more representative.
- A restructured council could better address modern security challenges.
- Regions like Africa and Latin America lack permanent representation, which restructuring could rectify.
- Expanding membership and reconsidering veto members could lead to more equitable decision-making.
- But, such reforms face challenges, mainly in form of resistance from current permanent members and the need for broad consensus among member states.
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